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Hexagram 9: Smallness Tames

Statement: Smallness tames. Persevere. Dense clouds, no rain at my western border.


Top trigram: Wind


Bottom trigram: Heaven


Hexagram Number: 9

Hexagram Name: Smallness Tames

Line 1 comment: Return to your own Way. How can this be wrong?

Line 2 comment: Pulled to return. Fortune.

Line 3 comment: Carriage spokes halted. Husband and wife quarrel.

Line 4 comment: Have confidence. Bloodletting is past, alarm has gone. No fault.

Line 5 comment: Have confidence. Entwine with your neighbor for wealth.

Line 6 comment: Rain is done, all is in place. Respect and virtue are full. Yet a woman's chastity is imperiled. When the moon is nearly full, the prince attacks: misfortune.

The image Wind moving high in heaven: smallness tames. The noble one acts with restraint, culture, and morals.

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