Read a record of the questions asked of I Ching, read the response, and read the comments of others
On January 4, 2011 at 3:50 PM
what effect will their wedding have on him?
and received a response of:
48 Well
The Statement of the first hexagram
Well. A city may change,
but the well does not.
It does not lose, it does not gain.
In spite of all who come and go from a well,
it remains a well.
But if the rope cannot reach,
or if the well's vase is upended:_
The changing lines
The first line:
The muddy well does not feed.
No birds come to an ancient well.
The second line:
The well bottom gushes carp.
A broken jug leaks.
The third line:
The well is dredged, but no one drinks.
My heart is anguished. Water
could be drawn. If the king understood,
we would instantly receive happiness.
3 Sprouting
The Statement of the second hexagram
Sprouting begins everywhere,
abundant and pure.
No need to go far:
gain by naming allies.
The Image of the first hexagram
Wood above water: well.
The noble one encourages
the people and lends them
The Image of the second hexagram
Clouds and thunder: sprouting. The noble one
considers the principles.