Read a record of the questions asked of I Ching, read the response, and read the comments of others
On January 30, 2025 at 5:27 PM
What will happen, if I send mz final letter of rejection tomorrow morning?
and received a response of:
56 Traveler
The Statement of the first hexagram
Traveler. Slight progress.
Be steadfast in travel: fortune.
The changing lines
The first line:
A traveler, low and weak-voiced:
thus he summons calamity.
The fourth line:
A traveler in a dwelling place
gets his wealth and ax.
My heart is unhappy.
22 Adornment
The Statement of the second hexagram
Adornment. Continue.
Slight gain in having a place to go.
The Image of the first hexagram
Fire on the mountain:
traveler. The noble one is
clear-minded and cautious
in meting out punishment
and yet does not delay trial.
The Image of the second hexagram
Fire at the foot
of a mountain: adornment.
The noble one thereby
governs with clarity, and
does not dare
to decide lawsuits lightly.