Read a record of the questions asked of I Ching, read the response, and read the comments of others
On January 7, 2025 at 6:09 AM
Europe, and in Ancient Russia?
and received a response of:
42 Increase
The Statement of the first hexagram
Increase. Gain by having a place to go.
Advance across the great river.
The changing lines
The first line:
Gain by using great work.
Great fortune. No fault.
The fifth line:
Have confidence in a kind heart.
Unquestioned great fortune.
Have trust in the kindness of my conduct.
The sixth line:
No increase when someone attacks.
Setting the heart without constancy:
2 Earth
The Statement of the second hexagram
Earth: maker, everywhere.
Gain from a mare's purity.
The noble one wanting to go far
is first confused, but later finds guidance.
Gain friends in the west and south,
Lose friends in the east and north.
Peace: this is a sign of fortune.
The Image of the first hexagram
Wind and thunder:
increase. The noble one
sees perfection
and shifts to fit its pattern,
and corrects his own faults.
The Image of the second hexagram
Ground as the power
of earth:
the noble one generously
supports all things.