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Read a record of the questions asked of I Ching, read the response, and read the comments of others
On December 1, 2024 at 4:10 PM
NeXT period?
and received a response of:
28 Great Excess
The Statement of the first hexagram
The ridgepole sags.
Gain by having a place to go.
The changing lines
The first line:
A cushion of white grass.
No fault.
The fourth line:
An ample beam. Fortunate,
unless there has been stinting.
The sixth line:
Fording, wading, head submerged.
Misfortune, but without fault.
9 Smallness Tames
The Statement of the second hexagram
Smallness tames. Persevere.
Dense clouds, no rain
at my western border.
The Image of the first hexagram
The lake overwhelms
the trees: great excess.
The noble one stands alone
without fear,
and can withdraw
from the world
without sorrow.
The Image of the second hexagram
Wind moving high
in heaven: smallness tames.
The noble one acts
with restraint, culture,
and morals.