Read a record of the questions asked of I Ching, read the response, and read the comments of others
On August 21, 2024 at 5:15 PM
What will be the outcome of going to Dr Y for this cancer?
and received a response of:
55 Plentiful
The Statement of the first hexagram
Plentiful. Progress.
The great king arrives. Do not grieve.
All is right as the midday sun.
The changing lines
The fifth line:
Receiving the seal.
There are congratulations and praise.
The sixth line:
Plentiful activity in one's house, screened
is one's household. Peering through
one's door: quiet with no people near.
For three years no one visits. Misfortune.
13 Kindred
The Statement of the second hexagram
The kindred in the wilderness.
Advance across the great river.
Gain by a wise one's purity.
The Image of the first hexagram
Thunder and lightning
come fully: plentiful.
The wise one decides
lawsuits and applies
The Image of the second hexagram
Fire rises into heaven:
kindred. The noble one
groups and sorts
all that must be done.