Read a record of the questions asked of I Ching, read the response, and read the comments of others
On August 8, 2024 at 9:42 PM
Omen of believing that the news is not for me, please.?
and received a response of:
19 Arrival
The Statement of the first hexagram
The arrival of the maker: everywhere,
giving and pure.
When the eighth moon comes,
there will be misfortune.
The changing lines
The fifth line:
Knowledge arrives.
The noble one is proper.
The sixth line:
Sincere arrival.
Gain without fault.
61 Confidence Within
The Statement of the second hexagram
Confidence within:
Pigs. Fish. Fortune.
Advance across the great river.
Gainful purity.
The Image of the first hexagram
Earth by the lake: arrival.
The noble one
is inexhaustible
in teaching,
and boundlessly protects
the people.
The Image of the second hexagram
Wind above the lake:
inner truth.
The noble one
discusses the law
and grants reprieve
from execution.