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Hexagram 64: Not Yet Across

Statement: Not yet across. Continue. The young fox, nearly across, soaks its tail. No place is gainful.


Top trigram: Fire


Bottom trigram: Water


Hexagram Number: 64

Hexagram Name: Not Yet Across

Line 1 comment: Flooding his tail. Sorrow.

Line 2 comment: Pulls his wheels. Pure fortune.

Line 3 comment: Not yet across. Attacking: misfortune. Gain by crossing the great river.

Line 4 comment: Pure fortune. Regrets vanish. Terrifyingly attack the Gui Fang. In three years, there will be rewards in a great country. Pure fortune. No regrets.

Line 5 comment: The prince's brilliance has sincerity. Fortune.

Line 6 comment: There is confidence in drinking wine. No fault. Flooding one's head. Have confidence in a vow.

The image Fire on top of water: not yet across. The wise one distinguishes things carefully, and puts them in their places.

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