Statement: The king draws near to the temple: gain by seeing a great person. Make an offering with purity, using great sacrificial beasts. Fortune. Gain by having a place to go.
Top trigram: Lake
Bottom trigram: Earth
Hexagram Number: 45
Hexagram Name: Collecting
Line 1 comment: A trust that cannot reach conclusion: there is confusion, there is collecting amid commands. One grasps for smiling results-no help. Depart without fault.
Line 2 comment: Led by fortune. No fault. Trust the gain of the summer sacrifice.
Line 3 comment: Collecting like sighs of regret. No place is gainful. Depart without fault. Slight regret.
Line 4 comment: Great fortune, no fault.
Line 5 comment: Collecting brings position. No fault that there is no trust. Great everlasting constancy dispels regret.
Line 6 comment: Exclamations, tears, and sniveling. No fault.
The image Lake above the earth. Collecting. The noble one collects the tools of war to guard against unforeseen danger.