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Hexagram 41: Decrease

Statement: Decrease. Have confidence. Great fortune. No fault if one can be upright. Gain by having a place to go. How should one act? Two square bamboo baskets can be used in offering.


Top trigram: Mountain


Bottom trigram: Lake


Hexagram Number: 41

Hexagram Name: Decrease

Line 1 comment: In your own business, go quickly. No fault. Consider decrease there.

Line 2 comment: Gain is in purity, misfortune is in going. No decrease, but gain there.

Line 3 comment: A group of three travelers is decreased by one person. One person travels and gets a friend.

Line 4 comment: Decrease your hatred. Act quickly and you will have joy. No fault.

Line 5 comment: Someone gains ten groups of turtles no one can defy. Great fortune.

Line 6 comment: No decrease, but gain there. No fault. Pure fortune. Gain by having a place to go. Get servants, but not a house.

The image Lake below mountain: decrease. The noble one halts his anger and curbs his desires.

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