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Hexagram 17: Following

Statement: Following what is great, smooth, gainful, and pure. No fault.


Top trigram: Lake


Bottom trigram: Thunder


Hexagram Number: 17

Hexagram Name: Following

Line 1 comment: The standards of excellence are altered. Pure fortune. Go out of the gate to meet others and there will be merit.

Line 2 comment: Binding to the child loses the man.

Line 3 comment: Binding to the man loses the child. Follow and seeking will bring achievement. Gain by dwelling stoutly.

Line 4 comment: Follow and there will be capture-but this is a sign of misfortune. Put your confidence in the Way and you will understand. Then, how can there be fault?

Line 5 comment: Confidence in excellence. Fortune.

Line 6 comment: Adhering and binding to make following hold fast. The king makes offering on West Mountain.

The image Thunder over the middle of the lake: following. The noble one at sunset goes into a house to rest.

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