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On August 2, 2018 at 5:40 AM 

How can I get a f too here?

and received a response of:
old yin
old yang
old yang
old yang

11 Prospering

The Statement of the first hexagram

Prospering: the vile goes,

the great comes.

Fortune. Continue.

The changing lines

The first line:
Pulled couch grass

uproots more with it by entwined roots.

Snatch it: fortune.
The second line:
Encompass the wasteland by crossing the river

without a boat, but do not advance so far

that you abandon comrades to perish.

Win honor by a middle course.
The third line:
No flat without a slope. No advance without

return. Be steadfast in difficulty.

No fault, no grief. The other is sincere:

in feasting there will be happiness.
The fifth line:
Emperor Yi gives his daughter in marriage.

Blessing and fortune.

8 Joining

The Statement of the second hexagram

Joining brings fortune.
Repeating the divination by yarrow stalks
brings a supreme and lasting omen
without fault.
Those who are not sure
will join the plan.
Those who are late
will meet misfortune.

The Image of the first hexagram

Heaven and earth combine:
The empress uses wealth
to fulfill the way
of heaven and earth.
She supports the order
of heaven and earth for
people on all sides.

The Image of the second hexagram

Water pooled
on the earth: joining.
The early kings founded
the myriad nations,
and kept close ties
with all the leaders.