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On September 16, 2012 at 9:08 PM 

should i get into a relationship with him?

and received a response of:
old yang
old yang
old yang
old yin
old yin

56 Traveler

The Statement of the first hexagram

Traveler. Slight progress.
Be steadfast in travel: fortune.

The changing lines

The first line:
A traveler, low and weak-voiced:
thus he summons calamity.
The second line:
A traveler promptly stops for lodging,
holding his wealth, getting servants.
The third line:
A traveler sets fire to his lodging,
loses his servants. Firm harshness.
The fourth line:
A traveler in a dwelling place
gets his wealth and ax.
My heart is unhappy.
The sixth line:
A bird sets fire to its nest. A traveler
first laughs, afterward howls and weeps.
Loses an ox in barter. Misfortune.

19 Arrival

The Statement of the second hexagram

The arrival of the maker: everywhere,
giving and pure.
When the eighth moon comes,
there will be misfortune.

The Image of the first hexagram

Fire on the mountain:
traveler. The noble one is
clear-minded and cautious
in meting out punishment
and yet does not delay trial.

The Image of the second hexagram

Earth by the lake: arrival.
The noble one
is inexhaustible
in teaching,
and boundlessly protects
the people.