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On July 13, 2017 at 4:36 AM 

is he in a relationship with her?

and received a response of:
old yin
old yin
old yin
old yin

8 Joining

The Statement of the first hexagram

Joining brings fortune.
Repeating the divination by yarrow stalks
brings a supreme and lasting omen
without fault.
Those who are not sure
will join the plan.
Those who are late
will meet misfortune.

The changing lines

The first line:
Have confidence. Joining is without fault.
Be as full of trust as an overflowing pot.
At last, another will come. Fortune.
The second line:
Joining from within our own people.
Pure fortune.
The third line:
Joining with robbers.
The fourth line:
Joining with those outside.
Pure fortune.

43 Decisiveness

The Statement of the second hexagram

Decisiveness. Proclaim in the royal court.

Trust in the commands. Be stern.

There will be severity.

Announce to your own city.

There is no gain in going to war.

Gain by having a place to go.

The Image of the first hexagram

Water pooled
on the earth: joining.
The early kings founded
the myriad nations,
and kept close ties
with all the leaders.

The Image of the second hexagram

Lake rising to heaven:
decisiveness. The noble one
bestows wealth
to those below
and shuns dwelling
on his own virtues.