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On November 6, 2011 at 11:57 AM 

o benim eşim mi?

and received a response of:
old yang
old yin
old yin
old yin
old yin
old yin

23 Splitting

The Statement of the first hexagram

Splitting; no gain

in having a place to go.

The changing lines

The first line:
The bed's feet split:

If you disregard the signs: misfortune.
The second line:
The bed's side splits apart:

If you disregard the signs: misfortune.
The third line:
This splitting is without fault.
The fourth line:
The bed's surface splits into pieces:

The fifth line:
The court ladies and concubines

are like fish tethered to a line:

nothing but gain.
The sixth line:
Great fruits are not eaten.

The noble one gets a sedan chair.

The vile ones splinter their huts.

43 Decisiveness

The Statement of the second hexagram

Decisiveness. Proclaim in the royal court.

Trust in the commands. Be stern.

There will be severity.

Announce to your own city.

There is no gain in going to war.

Gain by having a place to go.

The Image of the first hexagram

The mountain resting on
the earth: splitting.
When the high
are generous
to those below,
all dwell in peace.

The Image of the second hexagram

Lake rising to heaven:
decisiveness. The noble one
bestows wealth
to those below
and shuns dwelling
on his own virtues.