Read a record of the questions asked of I Ching, read the response, and read the comments of others
On May 13, 2024 at 12:57 PM
Omen of plan, please.?
and received a response of:
12 Clogging
The Statement of the first hexagram
Clogging by wicked people.
Nothing to be gained,
even from a steadfast prince.
The great goes, the vile comes.
The changing lines
The fifth line:
Clogging ceases. Great people prosper.
It could be lost! It could be lost!
Tie it to the roots of a mulberry tree.
35 Advancing
The Statement of the second hexagram
Marquis Kang receives gifts
of many breeding horses,
welcoming them three times
in one day.
The Image of the first hexagram
Heaven and earth
separate: clogging.
The noble one acts
with self-restraint
in the face
of punishing hardship,
and avoids glory or riches.
The Image of the second hexagram
Brightness emerges above
the earth: advancing.
The noble one brightens
her own virtue.