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On June 27, 2014 at 6:36 PM 

How can my perception be clear?

and received a response of:
old yang
old yang
old yang
old yang
old yin

57 Wind

The Statement of the first hexagram

Wind. Slight progress.
Gain by having a place to go.
Gain by seeing the great person.

The changing lines

The first line:
Advance and retreat benefit
a warrior's firmness.
The second line:
Wind under the bed.
Use many chroniclers and wizards.
Fortune. No fault.
The third line:
Incessant wind.
The fifth line:
Firm fortune. Regrets vanish. Nothing but
gain. Without a beginning, there is an end.
Before the time of geng, three days.
After the time of geng, three days. Fortune.
The sixth line:
Wind under the bed.
Loses his wealth and ax.
Firm misfortune.

24 Returning

The Statement of the second hexagram

Returning. Continue.
In coming and going,
there is neither sickness nor distress.
Companions come without fault.
Returning is its Tao.
In seven days, returning comes.
Gain by having a place to go.

The Image of the first hexagram

Wind following wind:
wind. The noble one gives
further instructions
and takes action.

The Image of the second hexagram

Thunder in the center of
the earth: returning.
The ancient kings
closed the borders
during the solstices.
Traveling merchants
did not journey. Sovereigns
did not tour the provinces.