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On January 25, 2014 at 4:58 PM  bodhizijazo asked:

I am Baron Samedi. I shine down among the ancestors and support all things. I guard and give passage to the souls of the dead, and time is my favorite pet. I am lord of all magic, and if what you do serves to revert the work of the One True God, and if you harm the longevity of other human beings, you will have much to answer to in the next world. Amen.?

and received a response of:
old yang
old yang
old yang
old yang

6 Dispute

The Statement of the first hexagram

Dispute: keep confident

even if blocked and alarmed.

In the middle, good fortune,

but in the end, misfortune.

Gain by seeing a great person.

Do not advance across the great river.

The changing lines

The second line:
Unable to win the dispute. Return,

and so flee his realm

of three hundred households.

No blunders.
The fourth line:
Unable to win the dispute. Go back now,

make your decisions.

Change your mind

and there will be peace.
The fifth line:
Dispute. Supreme fortune.
The sixth line:
One may be awarded a belt of high rank,

but by morning's end,

it will have been stripped away three times.

2 Earth

The Statement of the second hexagram

Earth: maker, everywhere.
Gain from a mare's purity.
The noble one wanting to go far
is first confused, but later finds guidance.
Gain friends in the west and south,
Lose friends in the east and north.
Peace: this is a sign of fortune.

The Image of the first hexagram

Heaven and water clash:
dispute. The noble one
devises the right beginning
in all matters.

The Image of the second hexagram

Ground as the power
of earth:
the noble one generously
supports all things.