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On August 30, 2013 at 11:04 PM  mischa asked:

What kind of spouse for him does E envision I would make?

and received a response of:
old yin
old yang
old yang
old yang
old yang

43 Decisiveness

The Statement of the first hexagram

Decisiveness. Proclaim in the royal court.

Trust in the commands. Be stern.

There will be severity.

Announce to your own city.

There is no gain in going to war.

Gain by having a place to go.

The changing lines

The first line:
Strong in the feet:

Going forward, there will be no triumph

due to mistakes.
The third line:
Strong in the cheekbones: misfortune.

The noble one is resolute, but walks alone-

soaked by rain, angry,

with no one to blame.
The fourth line:
Buttocks without skin: one walks uneasily.

Follow like a sheep and regrets vanish.

Instead, words are heard but not believed.
The fifth line:
The amaranth mound decisively cleared:

the middle way is without fault.
The sixth line:
No signals:

the end will be misfortune.

4 Youth

The Statement of the second hexagram

A youth must be steadfast.

I do not seek the naive youth.

The naive youth seeks me.

At the first divination, I explain,

but after three times, it is irritating.

Annoyed, I explain no further.

Nevertheless, a gainful omen.

The Image of the first hexagram

Lake rising to heaven:
decisiveness. The noble one
bestows wealth
to those below
and shuns dwelling
on his own virtues.

The Image of the second hexagram

A spring gushes
below a mountain:
the naive youth.
The noble one nourishes virtue
with determination.