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Hexagram 57: Wind

Statement: Wind. Slight progress. Gain by having a place to go. Gain by seeing the great person.


Top trigram: Wind


Bottom trigram: Wind


Hexagram Number: 57

Hexagram Name: Wind

Line 1 comment: Advance and retreat benefit a warrior's firmness.

Line 2 comment: Wind under the bed. Use many chroniclers and wizards. Fortune. No fault.

Line 3 comment: Incessant wind. Sorrow.

Line 4 comment: Regrets vanish. In the field: capture three articles.

Line 5 comment: Firm fortune. Regrets vanish. Nothing but gain. Without a beginning, there is an end. Before the time of geng, three days. After the time of geng, three days. Fortune.

Line 6 comment: Wind under the bed. Loses his wealth and ax. Firm misfortune.

The image Wind following wind: wind. The noble one gives further instructions and takes action.

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