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Hexagram 38: Estrangement

Statement: Estrangement. In small matters: fortune.


Top trigram: Fire


Bottom trigram: Lake


Hexagram Number: 38

Hexagram Name: Estrangement

Line 1 comment: Remorse vanishes. Do not search: a lost horse returns by itself. When seeing the wicked, make no mistakes.

Line 2 comment: Meeting one's master in the lane. No fault.

Line 3 comment: Seeing the wagon dragged back, his oxen taken, his men's hair and noses cut off. Not a beginning, but an ending.

Line 4 comment: Estranged, one meets the main person. A trustworthy exchange. Severity is without fault.

Line 5 comment: Remorse vanishes. One's kinsmen bite the skin. Going forward: what error?

Line 6 comment: Strange sights: a pig shouldering mud, a cartload of ghosts. One first draws a bow, then lowers it. No raider- a groom. Go. Meet the rain, and with it, fortune.

The image Fire above, lake below: estrangement. The noble one works with others, but remains an individual.

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