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Hexagram 29: Pit

Statement: Repeated pits. Have confidence. Tether your heart and continue. Action brings honor.


Top trigram: Water


Bottom trigram: Water


Hexagram Number: 29

Hexagram Name: Pit

Line 1 comment: Pit within a pit. Entering an underground vault: misfortune.

Line 2 comment: The pit has dangers. Inquiries get little.

Line 3 comment: Drumbeats come: stuck in danger. Entering the underground vault will be of no use.

Line 4 comment: A bottle of wine, a bamboo basket, and two earthenware vessels offered simply through a window. In the end, no fault.

Line 5 comment: The pit is not yet flooded to the brim. No fault.

Line 6 comment: Tied and entangled. Thrown in brambles. For three years, nothing can be won. Misfortune.

The image Flowing water comes: repeated pits. The noble one moves with constant virtue, and repeatedly teaches the critical matters.

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