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Hexagram 24: Returning

Statement: Returning. Continue. In coming and going, there is neither sickness nor distress. Companions come without fault. Returning is its Tao. In seven days, returning comes. Gain by having a place to go.


Top trigram: Earth


Bottom trigram: Thunder


Hexagram Number: 24

Hexagram Name: Returning

Line 1 comment: Returning from a short distance is not regrettable. Great fortune.

Line 2 comment: Resting, then returning: fortunate.

Line 3 comment: Urgent returning, harsh danger. No fault.

Line 4 comment: Returning alone in the middle of the road.

Line 5 comment: Honest returning: no fault.

Line 6 comment: Chaotic return: misfortune, disastrous blunder! Move your army, and you end in great defeat. Misfortune to nation and prince! Even in ten years you will not conquer.

The image Thunder in the center of the earth: returning. The ancient kings closed the borders during the solstices. Traveling merchants did not journey. Sovereigns did not tour the provinces.

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